Booking Accomodations at the St. Raphael Hotel:
Hotel booking is directly through the St. Raphael Resort.
Room rates:
Twin occupancy sea-view room: 95.68 Euro per person per day (All-Inclusive).
Single occupancy sea-view room: 129.85 Euro per person per day (All-inclusive).
Please note that if more than 50% of the rooms are single occupancy, the rate will increase by CYŁ5.00 per person (ie, 138.40 Euro per person). Rates include all meals.
Delegates can book direct by calling: +357 25 634100 or FAX: +357 25 636394 or by emailing: [We recommend that you phone or FAX your credit card information.]
Please ensure that you indicate that you are booking for the ICRS meeting 01-05/05/08. Your credit card information will be required for booking.